What is the meaning of the word "potato mould"?


  1. Agricultural Concern copy to clipboard NOUN
    • An issue or problem associated with the growth or storage of potatoes, resulting from fungal infections, and often referred to collectively as "potato mould." copy to clipboard
  2. General Fungal Disease copy to clipboard NOUN
    • Any fungal condition that affects potato plants, causing decay, discoloration, and reduced yield. This includes diseases like early blight, black scurf, and others. copy to clipboard
  3. Late Blight Disease copy to clipboard NOUN
    • A disease affecting potato plants and tubers, caused by the fungus-like oomycete Phytophthora infestans, characterized by dark, damp patches on the leaves and tubers. copy to clipboard
  4. Storage Condition copy to clipboard NOUN
    • A deterioration state in stored potatoes, caused by various fungi, leading to spoilage and loss of the crop during storage. copy to clipboard


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More information

  1. Detection of Potato Crop Diseases:
    A study on a mobile app developed for detecting diseases including Phytophthora infestans in potato crops. Published in the Journal of Imaging, 2024 by D Pineda Medina, I Miranda Cabrera, et al.
  2. Novel Fungicidal Agents:
    Research on arylfluorosulfates as novel fungicidal agents against Phytophthora infestans and other pathogens. Published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2024 by J Wei, Y Chai, J Zhou, Y Pan, T Jia, et al.
  3. Characterization and Molecular Selection:
    A paper on the molecular characterization and selection of native potato accessions with genes for resistance to Phytophthora infestans by RE Muñoz Dipaz, 2024.
  4. Tomato Resistance to Phytophthora infestans:
    The study "The lncRNA20718-miR6022-RLPs module regulates tomato resistance to Phytophthora infestans" by J Zhang, H Wei, Y Hong, R Yang, J Meng, Y Luan, published in Plant Cell Reports, 2024.
  5. Sustainable Pest Control Methods:
    Research on sustainable pest control methods in potato cultivation in Cusco, Peru, by W Catalán Bazán, 2024.
  6. Discovery of Late Blight in Australia:
    The discovery of late blight of potato in Australia documented by M Ryley and A Drenth, Historical Records of Australian Science, CSIRO Publishing.
  7. Preventative Application of Propolis Extracts:
    The study on the application of propolis extracts in preventing Phytophthora infestans in tomatoes by A Atiković, E Imširović, B Salkić, et al, published in the Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research, 2024.
  8. Inhibition of Fungal Phytopathogens:
    "Bacillus velezensis R22 inhibits the growth of multiple fungal phytopathogens" by N Armenova, P Petrova, M Gerginova, et al, published in Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2024.
  9. Late Blight of Tomato and Potato:
    An overview of late blight, its significance, and impact was provided by WE VIE, pubs.ext.vt.edu.